Fazer login nas Contas do Google. The Google 3D Warehouse is a free, online repository where you can find, share, store, and collaborate on 3D models. The easiest way to share your model of a place with the millions of Google Earth users is to upload it to the Google 3D Warehouse.
To download premade models from the 3D Warehouse into Google Earth, follow these steps:
- Visit the 3D Warehouse using your Web browser.
- Use the Search box or otherwise find and open the model you want to download.
- On the model details page, click the Download button. A list of SketchUp and Google Earth versions appear.
- Select the version of the file that best matches the version of Google Earth on your computer. A dialog box appears asking if you want to open the model with SketchUp or save the file.
- Click Open with Google Earth (default). Google Earth opens, and the model appears at the correct location.
In 3D Warehouse, you need an account to keep track of your favorite models, organize models into collections or folders, interact with other modelers via comments, or upload a model to 3D Warehouse.
Your 3D Warehouse account is based on a Trimble ID. If you don't have a Trimble ID, creating one is free and easy to do. Simply follow the on-screen prompts to sign up.
Your 3D Warehouse account is based on a Trimble ID. If you don't have a Trimble ID, creating one is free and easy to do. Simply follow the on-screen prompts to sign up.
After you have an account, you can sign in to 3D Warehouse:
- Click the Sign In link at the top of 3D Warehouse interface.
- When you see the prompt, enter your user name and password. After you're signed in, where the Sign In link used to appear (right next to the Search box), your user menu appears with your account name and profile photo.
To open your user menu, hover the mouse pointer over or click your avatar in the upper right, as shown in the following figure.
In the following sections, take a brief tour of each user menu option (with links to articles where you can find more details). Get google browser.
Models page
When you select Models from the user menu, the Models page appears. On this page, you can see models you've uploaded and a plus icon for uploading a new model. You also see tabs for Favorites, collections you've created, and models and collections you've liked with the heart icon on a model or collection details page.
Folders, Collections, Favorites, and Liked Content
3D Warehouse gives you many ways to organize and share models, included folders, collections, favorites, and liked content. You access each of these by selecting the option you want on the user menu. Here's a brief introduction to each option:
- Folders let you save models you like to a private folder, and you can find them on the Folders page, as shown in the following figure.
- Collections are models you've curated into a public collection.
- Favorites are models you've saved as a favorite by clicking the Favorite icon on the model details page.
- Liked Content is where you find models you've liked before the Favorites feature was introduced. As of October 2019, liking a model doesn't save the model to Liked Content.
Google 3d Warehouse Sketchup Free Download
Analytics page
This page shows basic analytics about models you've uploaded. These analytics include the total downloads, total views and total likes as well as a large graph. Verified commercial providers see additional analytics, as shown in the following figure.
Settings page
On the Settings page, shown in the following figure, you can create a profile and manage the following:
Download Google Earth 3d Models
- Personal information you want to share with 3D Warehouse users
- Links to your social media accounts
- Email notifications
- Professional information
- Whether 3D Warehouse users can contact you